Sunday, April 22, 2012

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Happy Easter 2012

In typical Utah fashion we wore our jackets to go Easter egg hunting at my grandma Afton's in Hyrum, UT. Each of the kids ended up with 36 eggs total. But of course Isla's attention span wasn't quite up to searching for all those eggs, so mommy and daddy started collecting

Isla was occupied with the toys in the backyard. 

Then Travis strapped Sheeba to the wagon and pulled the other nieces around the yard.

So the girls decided to take Sheeba for a ride!

Micah collecting the last of the eggs

"Wow that was hard work searching for all those eggs. Thanks mom and dad." --Isla

Then grandpa took the girls out to the swingset. 

Happy Easter 2012!

Monday, April 2, 2012

18 Months Old

Isla turned 18 months old yesterday - and she is a full blown toddler. She has attached herself to this hot pink blankie "buh-bankie" as she calls it and doesn't go anywhere without it. 

She loves the slides, especially climbing up them. All I say at the playground is "Isla, up the stairs, down the slide." over and over. 

She is pretty much a greeter wherever she goes. "Hiiii.....Hiiiii" Then they say hi back and she tells them "Noooo!" 

Balloons are favorite. They even compete with Buh-bankie. 

She doesn't like bread. She picks everything out of the middle. PB&J, tuna, ham, cheese. She doesn't touch the carbs. 

Loves puppies. Any puppy be it really big (like cousin st. bernard, Sheeba) or super tiny like our neighborhood chihuahua. She can't get enough of dogs and loves to pet them, praise them, catch their tails, and even to my disgust, give kisses. I'm telling you she LOVES dogs. 

We're working on not pinching other kids...yeah she get's super frustrated and pinches their arm. I know it's a phase, but goodness it's a hard phase because she hurts other kids. 

She gives us kisses, tells us "I YUV Oooo" = I love you. Gives hugs, and tickles us when we are least expecting it. Like when Mommy is doing dishes and can't move anywhere because my hands are soaking wet. She's thinks it hilarious. Then runs away before I have time to dry my hands and tickle her back. 

We love her :)


Daddy came with a great surprise that he made - a mini golf club for Isla. So we quickly gave her some tips for hitting the ball into the hole...or cup.

 It's so tough not being able to hit the ball far. So she had a bit of a temper tantrum on the driving range.

 Since I can't do contact sports with Micah (He would obliterate me) I can at least golf with him into our old age :) Good thing that my dad dragged me to golf lessons and courses when I was younger, because now I can keep up with the guys.

Our future golfer practicing with her mama. I can't wait for family golf outings!